iTero Intraotal Scanner
Yonge & Front Dental is pleased to feature the iTero® intraoral scanner at our practice. This cutting-edge dental device allows our dentists to view high-quality images of your mouth and more easily detect problems that may threaten your oral health.

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The iTero intraoral scanner is a state-of-the-art dental technology that produces three-dimensional images of the inside of your mouth. iTero technology works rapidly, capturing up to 20 images per second in full color, making it easy for our dentists to distinguish healthy tissues from infected tissues. Images captured by this device are often used to create oral appliances that fit and function more effectively. The iTero machine can even simulate treatment outcomes to show you what the results of your treatment should look like!
Our dentists and team use the iTero intraoral scanner by moving a small wand continuously inside your mouth. The captured images are processed simultaneously and saved every two seconds to prevent the need for you to sit through a second scan, producing a complete and highly accurate image of your mouth.
iTero Element scans are engineered to work with the Invisalign® System. Its TimeLapse compares records over time, visualizing tooth wear, movements and gingival changes. The tool automatically extrapolates past and current scans into an animated image that shows oral changes right on the screen.
We welcome you to contact our practice today to schedule your consultation and learn more about iTero intraoral scanning technology.