Braces Straighten Your Teeth For A Smile You Can Be Proud Of
Do you wish your teeth could be straighter and more attractive?
Crooked or crowded teeth are not just unappealing. They can also interfere with chewing, talking and taking proper care of your teeth. Our Toronto dentist can fit you with braces to solve these dental and aesthetic problems.

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Benefits of Braces
As far back as the civilization of ancient Egypt, people have been thinking about how to make their teeth straighter. Braces were invented in the early 1800’s, and they are still used because of the many benefits of completing braces treatment.
- Improved dental health
- Make it possible to chew healthy foods
- Improved appearance
- Increased self-confidence
- Reduced pain
How Your Dentist Fits Your Braces
Braces treatment starts with a thorough examination, x-rays, a teeth cleaning and a discussion with your dentist. Some people who get braces need to have separators, which are plastic rings that fit around the back teeth. If you need them, they are put in place before the visit when you are fitted for your braces. Your dental hygienist cleans your teeth and applies conditioner to them.
If you have gotten the bands for your molars, the dentist glues them into place on the second visit. Then, the dentist begins to fit your braces to your teeth. First, they put small square parts called brackets onto your teeth and glue them into place. Next, the dentist connects the brackets with an arch-wire and adds elastic pieces called modules to hold them the arch wire in place.
Can Adults Benefit from Dental Sealants?
People of any age, as long as they have their natural teeth, can benefit from applications of dental sealants. These protective barriers can help adults keep their teeth safe from decayjust as they can keep children’s safe. Parents work hard to teach their children good dental habits, but young adults often stray from this path for a while when they first move away from home.
Adults can become so wrapped up in a busy lifestyleand taking care of their children’s teeth that they neglect their own dental health. Seniors who still have their teeth are particularly vulnerable to tooth decay and cavities. And, in all these cases, even excellent oral hygiene habits may not be enough to protect the chewing surfaces of your back teeth.
How Are Dental Sealants Applied?
Having dental sealants applied is a very easy process. After your routine cleaning, your dentist can paint the dental sealant onto the chosen tooth surfaces. The dentist might also shine a special light on the sealant to help it bond to your teeth. You do not have to have any anesthetic for this procedure. At each dental appointment after the sealant is applied, your dentist checks to see if your teeth need to be resealed. If so, the procedure is the same for each application.