Get Rid Of Gummy Smile
With Gum Reduction
Are you dissatisfied with the shape of your gums?
Some people have gums that ride so low on their teeth that the teeth appear shorter than they actually are. For other people, the problem is that their gums are uneven, covering up more of some teeth than others. If either of these situations sums up your problem with the appearance of your gums, gum reduction might give you the gum line you would like to have.

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How Is Gum Reduction Done?
Your dentist marks your new gum line before starting the procedure. They can cut away the excess gums with a scalpel or laser. In either case, you get a local or topical anestheticfirst.
Then, the dentist removes the gums up to the marked gum line. In some cases, bone that lies across the fronts of the teeth below the gum line need to be removed as a part of the process. If a scalpel is used for the gum reduction, the gums usually bleed considerably.
On the other hand, if a laseris used, the laser cauterizes the gums, reducing bleeding and making the recovery time easier.
What Is Recovery Like After Gum Surgery?
The recovery process depends partly on whether your dentist uses a scalpel or a laser. Either way, it takes some time for your gums to fully heal. On your first day after the gum reduction surgery, you need to rest as much as possible.
If you have any pain, take acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Avoid aspirin because it can increase your bleeding.
Until your gums are healed, stick to cool, soft foodsthat do not irritate your gums. Follow your dentist’s recommendations about flossing and brushing your teeth, and be sure to call our dental office if you have any unexpected swelling, bleeding or other concerns
Can Adults Benefit from Dental Sealants?
People of any age, as long as they have their natural teeth, can benefit from applications of dental sealants. These protective barriers can help adults keep their teeth safe from decayjust as they can keep children’s safe.
Parents work hard to teach their children good dental habits, but young adults often stray from this path for a while when they first move away from home. Adults can become so wrapped up in a busy lifestyleand taking care of their children’s teeth that they neglect their own dental health. Seniors who still have their teeth are particularly vulnerable to tooth decay and cavities.
And, in all these cases, even excellent oral hygiene habits may not be enough to protect the chewing surfaces of your back teeth.
How Are Dental Sealants Applied?
Having dental sealants applied is a very easy process. After your routine cleaning, your dentist can paint the dental sealant onto the chosen tooth surfaces. The dentist might also shine a special light on the sealant to help it bond to your teeth.
You do not have to have any anesthetic for this procedure. At each dental appointment after the sealant is applied, your dentist checks to see if your teeth need to be resealed. If so, the procedure is the same for each application.